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Kim Chippindale is our Director and has been leading the preschool since 2001. She brings deep knowledge, a wealth of experience and an abundance of compassion to her role. She is a passionate advocate for creating a stimulating and nurturing learning
environment for our children.  Kim leads a team of 10 highly-valued, experienced, friendly and caring educators. Many of our educators have been part of our preschool for over 10 years and this is something we are very proud of.


Our wonderful educators have written a few words about themselves below. Thank you for taking the time to get to know them

Kim  - Director/ Teacher - Kookaburra Room
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education)


Hi, my name is Kim. I obtained the Associate Diploma of Social Science (child studies) at TAFE in 1994 and the Bachelor of Teaching through the University of New England and in 2006 completed the Bachelor of Education. I have previously worked in several different Long Day Care Services and have been in my current role as Director Of Pretty Beach Community Preschool since Jan 2001. I believe in providing an environment that fosters children’s self-esteem and confidence in a relaxed, unhurried and most importantly fun way!



Meghan - Kookaburra Room - Teacher Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education)


Started Pretty Beach Preschool 2010.  Hello my name is Meghan and I have a Diploma of Teaching Primary and a Bachelor of
Education Early Childhood. I have worked in various centres across Sydney and the Central Coast. I am passionate about quality care and believe that children deserve “best practice” when it comes to providing a nurturing, happy, fun loving and developmentally appropriate environment. I look forward to meeting you and sharing time with your children and guiding them through these vital years in preparation for



Sarah  - Cockatoo Room - Diploma of Children's Services


Started at Pretty Beach Preschool 2023.  Hi, my name is Sarah and I have a Diploma in Children's Services. I am a mother of 4 and I have 1 beautiful grandchild. I have been part of the early childhood sector for over 20 years. I have worked in various services across Sydney and the Central Coast in several different roles. Early childhood Education has been a passion of mine since my high school work experience, launching my ambition to embark on a career in education. I believe in building a trusting relationship with all children, families and community enhancing their sense of belonging, well-being, confidence and holistic development by giving children the opportunity to grow, blossom and learn at their own pace. 



Emma  - Cockatoo Room - Certificate III in Children's Services


Hi, my name is Emma Fitzjames and I have been employed at Pretty Beach Community Preschool since 2011 (permanent since 2014) . I absolutely love working here amongst such supportive, dedicated and professional staff. As an educator I strive to keep my skills updated by completing the latest courses and programs. I am privileged to be able to provide your child with a nurturing, safe and positive play based learning environment. I welcome you to our preschool community and look forward to meeting you.



Deirdre (Dee) - Cockatoo/Kookaburra - Certificate III in Children's Services


Started working at Pretty beach Preschool casually in 2015 / permanent 2016. Hello my name is Deirdre Moran, but people know me as Dee. I have an Associate Diploma in Librarianship and after working in a library for fifteen years I decided to change my career path. I completed a Certificate III in Childcare at Ourimbah TAFE in 2015. I love working with children and enjoy watching them discover the world around them through play and explorations. I am looking forward to working with the families and children at Pretty Beach Preschool and expanding my experience within the Early childhood industry.



Cathy - Diploma of Children’s Service


Hi my name is Cathy. I gained a Certificate III in Child Studies in 1997 and a Diploma in Children's Services in 2001.

I began working casually at the Preschool in 1998, and permanent in 2012. I retired from permanent work at the end of 2020 to enjoy some time to travel and see our beautiful country but will maintain working casually at the Preschool when needed.

Ngaire  - Administration Assistant/Bookkeeper.
Diploma of Business (Accounting) & University Certificate of Business


Hi I'm Ngaire (pronounced Nyree) and have been Bookkeeper/Admin Assistant at the preschool since July 2007. I have an Associate Diploma of Business (in Accounting) and have completed my University Certificate of Business through Charles Sturt University. Throughout my working life I have had many varied administrative and accounting roles in a number of different industries, but have found none quite like the warm and happy
environment at Pretty Beach, which is a reflection of the wonderful teaching staff and makes coming to work both enjoyable and rewarding.



Michelle  - Kookaburra Room - Associate Diploma in Children’s Services


Started at Pretty Beach Preschool 2013.  Hi everyone, my name is Michelle I have been working with children for over 18 years

in a variety of services types starting at After School Care and for 11 years in Long Day Care. I am a qualified educator with an Associate Diploma in Children’s services. Please feel free to introduce yourself if I haven’t already met you, I am looking forward to getting to know you all. I am very excited to be working in such a wonderful Preschool, with your precious children.



Jillian (Jill)  - Kookaburra Room - Certificate III in Children's Services


Hi my name is Jillian. I have lived on the Central Coast most of my life, and love the quiet, relaxed lifestyle. I obtained my Cert III in 2009 and in August 2011 was lucky enough to be employed at Pretty Beach Preschool . I really enjoy working at Pretty Beach and feel blessed to work with a wonderful, supportive and dedicated group of ladies. I believe in providing a fun, safe, loving environment for all children and look forward to continuing to be part of your child's personal growth and development.



Mari-Carmen  - Cockatoo Room - Diploma in Early Education and Care


Hola! My name is Mari-Carmen Lopez. I am originally from Barcelona, Spain but I moved to Australia 17 years ago. I am also the mother of two boys. Four years ago I decided to change careers, follow my passion and obtained my Certificate III in Early Education and then in 2021 I completed my Diploma in Early Education and Care.


I have been working at Pretty Beach for the last 6 years. I believe that as a childhood educator, it is my responsibility to not only care for your children, but to nurture their physical, social/emotional, creative and cognitive development. I believe that each child is a unique individual and should be viewed, respected and treated as such. I strive to build relationships with families, as this partnership provides me with invaluable information relating to cultural backgrounds and family values.



Joanne (JoJo_) - Cockatoo Room - Certificate III in Children's Services


Started working Pretty Beach Preschool casually 2010/ permanent 2011 I have since retired and but remain on staff as  an on-call casual. It is an absolute pleasure to be working with the wonderful and dedicated staff and looking after all of our beautiful children. I believe a positive environment of caring, love, fun nurturing, respect, guidance and support are all important key elements for any child's confidence and personal growth.



Parent Committee

Being a community preschool means the organisation and management is undertaken by a group of interested parents/community members, elected at each Annual General
Meeting. Committee meetings are the opportunity for parents to take an active part in the decision-making process and ensuring the preschool is meeting the needs of you and your child. You and your family are a very important part of a community-based preschool and we value and welcome your support.

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